Saturday, April 09, 2011

Amizade extraordinária

AP Photo

 AP Photo/David Duprey

Parece quase impossível! Mas é verdade! Até o espaço em que se passa esta história de amizade é bizarro! Mas acontece!

Um veado tornou o melhor amigo de um ganso, e o seu defensor, no Cemitério de Buffalo, Nova Iorque.

Nada como ver o vídeo!

Poderão ler a história na íntegra aqui

An unusual springtime friendship between a deer and a nesting goose appears to have blossomed inside a cemetery in Buffalo, N.Y. For the past week or so, the deer has been standing near an urn where the goose has taken up residence, positioning itself between the urn and any passing car or foot traffic.

Craig Cygan noticed the unlikely pair during his regular patrols with his goose-chasing border collies. He says there is no mate around the goose and he believes the deer has taken over the job of protecting the nest.

Buffalo, N.Y.

Cornell University wildlife expert Paul Curtis says deer and geese usually don't pay any attention to each other

BUFFALO, N.Y. - An unusual springtime friendship between a deer and a nesting goose appears to have blossomed inside a cemetery in Buffalo, N.Y. For the past week or so, the deer has been standing near an urn where the goose has taken up residence, positioning itself between the urn and any passing car or foot traffic. Read more here

Nós não queríamos acreditar! Mas não há dúvida que os animais dão grandes lições ao Homem!

Geração 'Green'

Credits: video HuffPost NY

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