Celebra-se hoje, dia 10 de Agosto, o Dia Mundial do Leão. Este Dia Mundial do Leão (World Lion Day) tem por objectivo proteger esta espécie e o seu habitat.
Estima-se que existem somente entre 30 mil e 100 mil leões selvagens no mundo, em África e na Ásia.
A falta de protecção humana contra os caçadores e a destruição das florestas, colocam a sobrevivência do "Rei da Selva" em causa.
Os leões são os felinos mais sociais: enquanto as fêmeas da mesma família se unem em bandos, os machos caçam grandes presas em conjunto e tentam conquistar grupos de fêmeas.
Como predadores, os leões estão no topo da cadeia alimentar, eliminando portadores de doenças e mantendo o equilíbrio no ecossistema.
A comemoração deste dia deve-se à Big Cat Rescue, uma organização não governamental de protecção dos maiores felinos do mundo.
Pode celebrar este dia o Jardim Zoológico de Lisboa assinalou Dia Mundial do Leão. Houve diversas actividades dedicadas ao 'Rei da Selva'.
E por que não ir ver o Rei Leão do realizador Jon Favreau & Walt Disney Productions nas salas de cinema?
Podemos ainda juntar-nos a esta causa. Coloca um banner, no teu site ou blog. Nós já temos o banner no nosso blog, lado direito inferior. Não esqueças!
E por que não ir ver o Rei Leão do realizador Jon Favreau & Walt Disney Productions nas salas de cinema?
Podemos ainda juntar-nos a esta causa. Coloca um banner, no teu site ou blog. Nós já temos o banner no nosso blog, lado direito inferior. Não esqueças!
Today, we celebrate World Lion Day. It's essential for immediate action to protect and save the lions from future extinction. World Lion Day is at the forefront of highlighting the true plight of the wild lion populations.
While the lion population in India has witnessed a four-fold increase over 50 years (1965-2015), according to a study by H.S. Singh, a former forest service officer, published last year in the journal Current Science, lions continue to be an endangered species. From just a few dozens in the first and second decade of the 20th century, the population of Asiatic lions has risen to 523 in 2015.
The Current Science study had also warned about the massive “development of industries and ports, mining activities, rails and high-speed roads in the coastal area have already impacted the lions”. The study added that 10 lions were killed by trains between 2013 and 2015.
And why not speak about lion hunters? Or safaris on the natural parks or reserves? Keep those places sacred!
Important collaboration between NGOs and government bodies in a bid to protect Mozambique's lions.
An MoU has been signed between the Greater Limpopo Carnivore Program and Parque Nacional do Limpopo (PNL).
This mandate marks the beginning of collaborative efforts to directly address the threat of targeted lion poaching on the area's wild lion population.
The PNL has lost 68% of its lions since 2012 mainly attributed to targeted lion poaching. To immediately reduce further losses the GLCP is establishing the Limpopo Lion Protection Unit with the support of PNL.
African Lion
The Current Science study had also warned about the massive “development of industries and ports, mining activities, rails and high-speed roads in the coastal area have already impacted the lions”. The study added that 10 lions were killed by trains between 2013 and 2015.
And why not speak about lion hunters? Or safaris on the natural parks or reserves? Keep those places sacred!
Important collaboration between NGOs and government bodies in a bid to protect Mozambique's lions.
Lions at Parque Nacional do Limpopo, Mozambique
An MoU has been signed between the Greater Limpopo Carnivore Program and Parque Nacional do Limpopo (PNL).
This mandate marks the beginning of collaborative efforts to directly address the threat of targeted lion poaching on the area's wild lion population.
The PNL has lost 68% of its lions since 2012 mainly attributed to targeted lion poaching. To immediately reduce further losses the GLCP is establishing the Limpopo Lion Protection Unit with the support of PNL.
Joseph, the lion
On this day, take some time to do a research about these beautiful creatures. Find out where they live and what their lives are like, they have fascinating family lives and complex social relationships.
Then, once you’ve learned everything you can, consider going to visit a nearby Zoo that has them on display, nothing makes them more real than seeing them in the flesh. But don't approach or interact or worst trying to make a selfie! Remember, lions are carnivores.
And why not go to the movies to watch The Lion King by director Jon Favreau & Walt Disney Productions?
We can make global difference in protecting and saving the wild lion population through adding a graphical banner to our website. And we did it!
Boas férias! Voltamos em Setembro! Não esqueças de visitar o nosso blog polar Geração Polar?
Have a nice time! We will be back in September! By the way, don't forget to visit our polar blog Geração Polar.
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